Totem Animals Series: The Fox

For my first in a series on totem or spirit animals, I have selected the cunning, sly Fox. Recently, I encountered a pair of foxes on my way home, which lead me to question the rich symbolism that accompanies spirit guides or totem animals. The Fox is most commonly known for being "sneaky." This association … Continue reading Totem Animals Series: The Fox

Fox Sighting

Last night as I was driving, a fox ran across the road in front of me. I slowed and smiled, watching the little creature, red and gold, zip into the woods beside me. "Hello, fox friend!" I called and dragged my attention back to the road. Suddenly in the deep dark of the evening, another, … Continue reading Fox Sighting

The Time to Heal has Come

Today is a new day. That sounds cliche, but sometimes life shifts so much that we cannot ignore how the Universe is nudging us and whispering - no, more like yelling -  "START AGAIN.“ Well, we can choose to ignore it. Mind you, that is invariably the wrong thing to do. We do not often … Continue reading The Time to Heal has Come